Despite the JavaScript fatigue™ and the dramas (remember the "leftpad gate"), 2016 was a great year for the community, with the rise of projects like Vue.js and React Native, and new projects like yarn or Create React App.
We have been talking about projects that got traction on GitHub in 2016 but what really matters is developer's satisfaction.
So if you want a more qualitative approach, check the results from Sacha Greif’s State of JavaScript survey. More than 9,000 responses were collected!
It's time to think about 2017, where are the next rising stars?
Here are my 10 picks of the year, the projects and the ideas I liked in 2016 and that will keep up growing in 2017:
- Vue.js: the momentum will not stop
- Electron
- Create React App
- React Native
- Gatsby (used to build this page!)
- yarn: a fast, reliable and secure dependency management that can replace npm, you can read about the state of node.js package managers here
- The concept of "Progressive Web Applications"
- Node.js micro-services made easy to deploy with a hosting solution like Now
- The evolution of Node.js: the latest releases support very well the ES6 syntax
- And one more pick would be graphql: all my friends told me that something big is coming!
Thank you for your attention, feel free to share this article or to reach us on GitHub!
By checking the 10 hottest projects of the year, you can get a good overview of what was the web development landscape in 2016, since you will find:
It tells a lot about JavaScript ubiquity and versatility in 2016.
And the 2016 winner is... 🏆
Vue.js project got more than 25,000 stars on GitHub last year, it means 72 stars per day, it's more than what any other framework got, including React and Angular.
The version 2, that takes advantage of the Virtual DOM for performance, was released in October.
Vue.js is used in production by big companies (including Alibaba, the biggest e-commerce company in China), so you can consider it as a safe choice.
There is already a quite mature eco-system around it, including a router (vue-router) and a state management library (vuex).
It seems that Vue.js took the best of React (the component approach) and Angular 1 (templates are html code enhanced by the framework features).